G’day from sunny Perth in WA,

Lovely to have you back, please make yourself comfy while Tom pours you a drink.

Today I am very pleased to present the first love story chosen from my bookcase – ‘The Word’ series by Georgina Guthrie.

It’s a well written tale of forbidden love that encompasses 3 novels and a novella. Best described as … “good old fashioned romance at its finest!” I loved this story for it’s ease of read, mix of good humour, drama and most importantly romance. As apposed to the fast paced, ‘hot & steamy’ dialogue of many contemporary love stories today;  ‘The Words’ series is a tale of a forbidden courtship, with a nice splash of the ‘hot and steamy’. 😉

So lets get to know the author a little better:+

Georgina Guthrie is: a self-professed book hugger and compulsive diarist. Though GG now resides in Canada, she was born across the pond and still considers herself a Brit through and through, which may explain her frequent visits to her favourite local British import shop.

GG is often happiest when reading and writing, but she’s just as likely to be found hanging out with friends and family, almost certainly with a glass of red wine in one hand a bag of cheese and onion crisps in the other. ( From authors profile on Goodreads.com )
As part of showcasing her series here on Kez’s bookshelf, GG has very graciously agreed to an interview that will conclude the four part review…so please stay tuned!


Now that you’re comfy and Tom has served you refreshments, let’s take a closer look at the first novel in the series:


The Weight of Words


Aubrey Price is in the final months of her undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto. Bright, witty, and fiercely independent, Aubrey works part-time for the college dean and has her sights set on graduating with distinction. When she meets Dean Grant’s son, Daniel, the TA in her senior Shakespearean studies course, a shared love of the Bard’s works and an instant mutual attraction draw Aubrey and Daniel together. Unfortunately, a strict anti-fraternizing policy–made more perilous by a black mark on Daniel’s record–keeps them apart. Against this academic backdrop, Aubrey and Daniel navigate their way through a steamy courtship, their forbidden romance aided, abetted, and sometimes thwarted by a colorful cast of friends, family, and classmates.

 My Review

The Weight of Words introduces the characters beautifully; Aubrey is bright, witty and strong, while Daniel is handsome, broody and equally as sharp. The chemistry between the two is dynamite! A shared passion of Shakespeare sees a number of quotes and references wonderfully incorporated throughout the novel. For readers who are not familiar with Shakespeare, the story provides a charming means of enlightenment. While those who appreciate classical literature will love the inclusion of The Bard’s work. The wit that both Aubrey and Daniel possess, provides a good mix of humour and sassiness and their forbidden love sees the couple appreciating the ‘little things’ shared between one another. This is one aspect I love most about the tale that is Aubrey and Daniel’s.

So where can you get your hands on this novel?

In Australia Booktopia


Thank you for joining me, I appreciate the time you spend here. As always I welcome your comments and please; as you leave …’Take time to smell the roses’. 🙂

Pax Vobiscum


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